Dvori Rosenbaum
115% of original $6,000 goal
98% of bonus $7,000 goal
Together, we're raising $7,000
to make
of parenthood a reality.
Dear Friend,
The numbers don’t lie.
1in 6 couples is waiting to have a baby.
Your class, your block, your group of friends, and even your immediate family – each of your closest circles will probably have at least one person going through this incredibly painful journey.
It’s so hard to watch someone you love go through this journey. It’s so hard to show that you care, when you don’t know if they want to share, or keep their pain inside.
By supporting Bonei Olam, you can help them in the best, most direct way possible.
And again, the numbers don’t lie.
To date, Bonei Olam has helped bring more than 13,000 children into this world, thanks to the support of donors like you.
But with the average treatment costing $32,000 per couple, the only way Bonei Olam can continue making miracles happen is by turning to us — the people who care.
I’ve made it my mission to raise as much as I can to show my support for all the amazing couples in Klal Yisroel who are waiting to carry and cuddle and hug a bundle of their own.
WIll you bundle up for Bonei with me?
Dvori Rosenbaum
Ruti Friedman
Devorah Leah Schachter
Amira Ernst
Anonymous Donor
Dassi Ernst
Sally Tuvel
Hatzlacha rabba
Family Spigelman
Blimi R
A true inspiration!
Anonymous Donor
Chaim Friedman
Raizel Deutsch
Esther Braun
Anonymous Donor
tizki lemitzves!
Rochel Pinczower
Chavi Nussbacher
Malki Klein
Sarah Bruce
Rochel Goldberg
Tizku lemitzvos
Families Lowin & Weiszberger
Rivka Hecht
Chodesh tov and b’hatzlacha! May we always share healing and besurot tovot! Lechaim !!
Anonymous Donor
Blimi Schwartz
Chani Fogelgarn
Aidel Spigelman
Gitty Naamat
Moshe Rosenbaum
Liz Holzer
Eli Unfanger
Cathy Roberts
Anonymous Donor
R L Rosenbaum
Chaim Erlichster
Chana Kornwasser
Miri Hindy RabiGanz
Anonymous Donor
Ruti Spigelman
Ben Abrahams
Baker Charitable Foundation
Chana Strasser
Great work, Devori
Shloime Spigleman
Anonymous Donor
Barry Creighton
Chana Mishulovin
Elisheva Klein
Malka Baker
Lianne Rosen
In recognition of Dvori Rosenbaum’s incredible work
M Friedman
Menachem Klein
Menachem and Raizy
Sara Leah Kirschenbaum
Hershel And Debbie Herbst
Anonymous Donor
Yosef Moishe Fogel
Alexander & Mindel Rosenbaum
Peter Wein
Moshe And Bluma Kaye
Anonymous Donor
Binyomin Rosenbaum
Yehudis Kaye
Shani Suchy
In honour of Dvori's dedication to this worthy cause.
Chani Goldberg
Incredible work Dvori x x
Laizer & Sosha Rosenbaum
Anonymous Donor
Atara Klein
Tzila Fried
Miriam Goldschmiedt
Boruch Spigelman